Ricky Steamboat reveals pitch he made for rising AEW star

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WWE Hall of Famer Ricky Steamboat has revealed that he pitched a notable angle which recently took place on AEW TV.

Steamboat acted as a special guest referee on the August 5 edition of Collision, officiating the ‘real’ world title match between CM Punk and Ricky Starks.
Speaking with Bill Apter for Sportskeeda Wrestling, Steamboat revealed that it was him who pitched the beatdown that took place after the match, which saw Starks attack Steamboat before Punk chased him off.

Wanting to build some heel heat for Starks, Steamboat noted:
“They suggested an outcome that I didn’t like. I said, ‘Look, you’re doing a slow turn with this kid, Ricky Starks. You’re trying to turn him heel, and what you’re suggesting, there’s not gonna be any heat on him.’
“So I made the suggestion of what everybody saw. ‘I’d like to put some heat on this kid.’ So everything carried out to the T, and when I was there, I’m ringside as the second referee.
“I was listening to the crowd, it was almost like a 50/50 split. The fans were very generous on my introduction. Very; very generous. The match was going on, and I’m saying, ‘This is about a 50/50 split.’ I said I’m gonna be very curious to see what kind of reaction we’re going to get after everything goes down.
“I’m gonna say it was probably 80/20 now, where they’re booing him and what he did to me. I was reading some of the comments, and a couple of them were saying, you know the term about smart fans? The one making a comment, ‘Well, they’re just following the storyline.’

“I wish they would, if they’re so smart, that the thought of the process that they would have would be, ‘Okay, let’s see what they set out, and if they accomplished it,’ instead of saying, ‘Oh, they’re just following the script (or) the storyline.’
“We had a lot of positive great comments about what took place. But you always get the few that think they know the business, and they just want to put their two cents in.
“The bottom line is, if they know so much about the business, I just wanted them to come out and say that what they set out to do, Ricky Starks, CM Punk, and Ricky Steamboat, they got the job done, they accomplished it.'”

Starks most recently wrestled on the September 23 edition of Collision, losing to Bryan Danielson in a brutal Texas Death Match. 
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