Big AEW show set to return, first matches announced

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A big AEW show is set to make it’s return next week, with several big matches now officially announced for the show.

AEW is set to hold the third annual AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door event this weekend, but AEW has now announced another big show for next week.
Taking to Twitter, AEW announced that next week’s Dynamite in Chicago will mark the return of the ‘Beach Break’ special in conjunction with TBS’ Shark Week.

The show will feature numerous Owen Hart Cup matches, with the final first round match between Jeff Jarrett and the wildcard entrant taking place on the show.
The first two semi-final matches will also take place on the show, with PAC facing the winner of Bryan Danielson vs. Shingo Takagi in the men’s tournament and Kris Statlander vs. Willow Nightingale in the women’s tournament being set for the show.

More matches for the show are set to be announced for the show in the coming week.
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