TNA Slammiversary 2024

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TNA Slammiversary took place at the sold-out Verdun Auditorium in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.


Tasha Steelz defeated Gisele Shaw, Xia Brookside and Faby Apache
Tasha Steelz broke up Gisele Shaw’s pin attempt and threw Gisele out of the ring. She then covered Xia Brookside to pick up the win.

KUSHIDA defeated Rich Swann
KUSHIDA won after putting Swann in a Hoverboard Lock on the turnbuckles and slamming him on mat. He held onto the hold and made Swann tap out.

TNA Knockouts World Tag Team Championship: The Malisha (Alisha Edwards and Masha Slamovich) (c) defeated Spitfire (Dani Luna and Jody Threat) to retain
Masha hit a drop toe hold to send Jody face first into the tag title, then Alisha hit a top rope bulldog (with Threat on Masha’s shoulders) for the win.

Eric Young defeated Hammerstone
EY steals it with a rollup out of a Torture Rack attempt by Hammerstone.

Main Show:

“Broken” Matt Hardy vs. JDC
Dango tries to rush and hit Hardy with the pole of an American flag, but Hardy ducks and bites him. He ends up suckering Hardy in and slams him on the apron, then he rolls him in the ring and taunts the crowd. Dango hits a legdrop off of the ropes for two, then Hardy fights back briefly. Dango elbows him and goes back on offense, but misses a legdrop on the ring apron
Hardy repeatedly slams Dango’s head on all three turnbuckles on one of the posts, then hits a legdrop and calls for the finish. Dango blocks it, but Hardy whips him into the ropes and hits a Side Effect for two. Hardy goes for another Twist Of Fate, but Dango counters with a Falcon Arrow. He heads up top but Hardy crotches him on the ropes and hits a Twist Of Fate from the middle turnbuckle for the win.
Hardy picks up Dango after the bell and hits two more Twist Of Fates before leaving.
Winner – “Broken” Matt Hardy

TNA World Tag Team Championship: The System (c) vs. ABC
The System uses cheap shots and some interference to maintain control early on. Bey finally gets the tag, but the ref calls it off because he was distracted by The System. Myers and Edwards continue to keep Ace grounded, then Ace finally fights back and tags out. Bey unloads on Edwards and Myers, hitting Edwards in the corner with a moonsault.
Edwards shoves him into the ropes but Bey counters and hits a dropkick through the ropes, then skins the cat and runs across the ring. Alisha jumps on the apron and Bey chases her away, but runs into a stiff shot from Eddie Edwards. Myers gets back into it and attacks Bey, then Ace runs over and knocks Edwards out of the way. Ace does a somersault to avoid Myers on the apron, and Myers falls right into a cutter on the apron by Bey. Ace hops up and knocks Edwards down with a somersault dive to pop the crowd.
The System regains control after a spear, then they go for their finisher but ABC comes back with a Magic Killer for two. Bey goes to hit Eddie Edwards but ends up hitting Alisha on accident. ABC hits their finishers on Myers and wins the match.
Winners and NEW TNA Tag Team Champions – ABC

Mike Santana vs. Jake Something
The pair go back and forth on offense, with Santana hitting a rolling Buck Fifty for two. Jake makes a comeback, but Santana cuts him off in his tracks with a dropkick off the ropes. Santana hits a cannonball and slam for two, then he goes for another cannonball but Jake catches him and hits a powerbomb for two.
Jake goes up top, but Santana crushes him with a German suplex off of the top turnbuckle. Both men get to their feet and slug it out, and Santana drops him with a superkick. Jake jumps back up and they keep slugging it out, with Santana finally taking it after hitting Spinning The Block.
Winner – Mike Santana

The Rascalz vs. No Quarter Catch Crew
Wes and Dempsey start off early and try to show each other up, with Wes hitting a Bronco Buster. Wentz tags in and Dempsey slows it down a bit with an armlock, but Wentz avoids a boot and tags out. Trey stomps Dempsey’s back and sweeps his legs in the corner. Heights distracts the ref, which allows Dempsey to regain control.
NQCC keeps the match in their control for a decent amount of time before The Rascalz turn the tables. Dempsey hits a German suplex and takes a crossbody while in the bridge. The Rascalz hit a somersault dive on all three opponents, then Heights and Dempsey get back in and put Wes and Wentz in a sleeperhold and chokehold. Borne tries to get after Trey but a miscommunication allows The Rascalz to hit Soup Kitchen and Hot Fire Flame for the win.
Winners – The Rascalz

Montreal Street Fight (TNA Digital Media Championship And Canadian International Heavyweight Title – AJ Francis (c) vs. PCO
Francis introduced some footage of his crew attacking PCO backstage. However, Destro is seen lurking nearby. Francis demands to be crowned winner, but Destro and some druids come to the entrance and bring PCO back to life in a coffin.
The match begins with Francis hitting PCO with a chair, but PCO psyches himself up and hits a somersault dive on the floor. He hits the Re-Animator next, then heads up top and hits a moonsault that takes both Francis and Swann out on the floor. PCO goes for a table under the ring but Swann attacks him. PCO goes after him, but Francis runs in and attacks PCO from behind. Francis and Swann set up some tables at ringside, and Francis calls for a chokeslam. PCO blocks it and punches Francis and Swann before chasing Francis around the ring. Francis gets a trash can and hits PCO in the head before throwing it in the ring.
He throws more weapons in the ring and runs into a big boot from PCO. Francis knocks him down in the corner and follows with a running knee strike that inadvertently breaks a piece of the table. Francis throws more chairs in the ring, then puts a trash can on PCO’s head and repeatedly smashes it with a chair.
PCO makes a brief comeback before setting up a moonsault, but Francis counters with an electric chair drop on a pile of chairs for two. They move towards the corner, with Francis on the top turnbuckle. PCO picks him up and press slams him through the tables at ringside. Josh Bishop hits PCO from behind with a chair, then hits a Razor’s Edge with PCO falling spine first on the backs of the chairs. After this brutal-looking spot, Sami Callihan runs out with a bat, but Swann stops him from using it. Swann tries to attack PCO with the bat, but Rhino runs out and Gores Swann. PCO rolls Francis back in the ring and hits a top rope moonsault for a close two count.
Francis takes a cheap shot at PCO and hits a Tombstone piledriver, but PCO shocks him by kicking out at two. Francis calls for a chokeslam, but PCO reverses it and chokeslams Francis onto the pile of chairs, then finally hits a moonsault for the win.
Steph De Lander comes to the ring and proposes to PCO, which he accepts!
Winner and NEW TNA Digital Media Championship And Canadian International Heavyweight Title – PCO

TNA Knockouts World Championship – Jordynne Grace (c) vs. Ash by Elegance (with The Personal Concierge)
Jordynne uses her power to start off, but Ash gets the upperhand with some assistance from her concierge. Rosemary is seen sitting in the crowd, then she heads to ringside as the ref tries to throw the concierge out. He initially refuses, but Rosemary pulls a knife out and chases him backstage. Ash keeps Jordynne grounded, but Jordynne cuts her off at the turnbuckles and hits Shades of Samoa (Muscle Buster) for two. Jordynne chops Ash and gets her back on the turnbuckles, but Ash headbutts her to slow her down.
Jordynne slams Ash’s face into her knee and hits a delayed superplex. She holds on and follows with a Jackhammer for two. Ash reverses an Irish whip and throws some forearms, but Jordynne fires right back with a seated press. Ash counters Jordynne’s offense and hits a Stunner, then she goes up top for Rarified Air. Jordynne gets her knees up and goes for a suplex, but Ash connects with a spinning neckbreaker before heading up top.
Jordynne jumps up and attacks Ash, then crotches her on the top turnbuckle and goes for a suplex and a chinlock. Ash bites Jordynne’s arm and hits Sliced Bread for two, then attempts a single-leg Crab. Jordynne reverses into a grapevined sleeperhold, and Ash reverses into a pin attempt. Jordynne kicks out and decks Ash with a lariat, then they trade near falls before Jordynne connects with a spinning backfirst and a powerbomb. She hits the Juggernaut Driver to retain.
Winner and still TNA Knockouts Champion – Jordynne Grace

X Division Championship – Mustafa Ali (c) (w/ Campaign Singh vs. “Speedball” Mike Bailey
Bailey uses his speed to ground Ali early, but Campaign Singh’s interference turns the tide in Ali’s favor. Ali chops Bailey and whips him into the ropes, but Bailey rebounds with some kicks. Ali bell claps Bailey, then showboats as he sidesteps Bailey on the floor. Bailey takes him out with a dive that pops the crowd, then he gives his wife, Veda Scott, a kiss at ringside. The Secret Service distracts Bailey long enough for Ali to regain control, and he talks trash to the rowdy ground as he puts Speedball in a chinlock.
Ali then heads up top, but Bailey connects with a kick on the way down that stuns Ali. Bailey connects with a spin kick and axe kick, then calls for a running Shooting Star Press. Ali rolls away, but Bailey hits a Falcon Arrow and heads up top. Bailey hits a top rope Shooting Star Press for two. He goes for a double knee smash but Ali avoids it and heads up top. Bailey cuts him off and hits an amazing Spanish Fly onto Singh and Ali’s security detail. The ref starts his count as Bailey re-enters the ring, but Bailey runs out and pulls Ali into the ring.
Ali stuns him with a kick, then they trade forearm shots in the middle of the ring. Ali and Bailey trade roll-up attempts, and Ali tries to steal it by hooking his feet on the ropes. The ref catches him and stops the count, then Ali slides under Bailey on the apron. Bailey immediately springboards up and hits a moonsault on the floor, then gets Ali back inside and goes up top. Bailey looks for a somersault stomp, but Ali catches him with a knee on the way down. He hits a spinning knee smash for two, then Ali attempts a 450, only to have Bailey roll away. Bailey heads up top but Ali rolls over and trips him up, but Bailey fires back with a kick to the head. He hits a Poisonrana off the top, then follows with Ultima Weapon for a very close two count.
Bailey believes he’s won, and his music even starts playing, but the ref says Ali had his foot on the rope. The ref inadvertently ends up getting knocked out, then Singh and the security detail rush out and beat Bailey up. Ali hits two 450 splashes while the security holds Bailey down. They try to revive the ref, who starts counting, but he’s pulled out of the ring by a masked man in riot gear. Trent Seven reveals himself as the masked man, then he beats up the security detail. Ali dives on Seven and hits his knee with a chair. Ali smashes the chair over Bailey’s back, then calls for someone in the back.
Earl Hebner walks to the ring, getting huge heat from the Montreal crowd. The crowd is chanting “You Screwed Bret” at him as Ali puts Bailey in the Sharpshooter. Hebner won’t make the fast count (as he did during the Montreal Screwjob in WWE) and Ali gets pissed. Bailey avoids another chairshot and takes out Ali, and Bailey makes Ali tap to the Sharpshooter.
Winner and NEW X Division Champion – “Speedball” Mike Bailey

TNA Slammiversary: Six-Way Elimination World Title Match
Moose tries to get Kaz on his side, but the faces take them out. Hendry hits Moose with a delayed suplex on the floor, then he press slams Nemeth on Moose at ringside. Kaz attacks Hendry, but Maclin and Alexander gang up on him. They take Kaz down with a backbreaker and kneedrop combo, but the alliance is short-lived. Alexander takes multiple opponents out with German suplexes. Nemeth ends up getting control and repeatedly elbow drops Moose. Nemeth gets to nine before Moose rolls outside, but Nemeth dives outside for elbow drop number ten.
Kaz and Moose get some offense in before Kaz counters a moonsault with a diving cutter. After some back and forth, Moose picks his spot and spears Maclin to eliminate him.
Steve Maclin eliminated by Moose
The crowd sings the goodbye song to Maclin, and he flips them off on his way up the ramp. Moose keeps his opponents isolated in each corner, dropping them with kicks to the face. Moose spinebusters Kaz onto the apron, then Nemeth and Alexander take out the rest. Everyone fights in the entryway and up the ramp, and Alexander tries to C4 Moose on the stage. Moose backdrops him and tries to slam Hendry off of the stage. Hendry avoids it, then Nemeth superkicks Kaz off the stage and through the table.
Moose drags Nemeth and Alexander back to the ring, then he powerbombs Nemeth onto Alexander. Hendry regains control after some fallaway slams. He kips up to pop the crowd, but Moose does it too and kicks Hendry right in the face. He spears Alexander and Nemeth, then Hendry tries to steal a rollup. Moose connects with a pump kick, but Hendry fires back with a clothesline. He connects with the Standing Ovation and eliminates Moose, guaranteeing there will be a new champion!
Moose eliminated by Joe Hendry
Hendry goes for the Standing Ovation on Alexander, who reverses it and kicks Hendry in the balls. Alexander hits a C4 to eliminate Hendry.
Joe Hendry eliminated by Josh Alexander
Alexander gets on top of Hendry and screams about being the heart and soul of TNA, then pummels Hendry with some forearms and kicks to the head. He shoves the ref and backs him into the corner, then Nemeth runs in to attack. Alexander knocks him down and steps on his hair, then calls for a C4 as the crowd chants “asshole” at him. Nemeth fights back with a corner splash, but Alexander stops a second one and targets Nemeth’s injured left shoulder. Nemeth connects with some strikes, then follows with a headbutt and superkick and eliminates Alexander.
Josh Alexander eliminated by Nic Nemeth
Kaz runs in and hits Nemeth with Fade To Black, and follows by putting Nemeth in a chicken wing. Nemeth rolls through and hits a superkick for two. Kaz blocks Danger Zone from Nemeth and follows with a Backstabber. Nemeth fires right back with a Superkick and Danger Zone to win.
Winner and NEW TNA World Heavyweight Champion – Nic Nemeth

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