ROH Death Before Dishonor 2024

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On July 26th, Ring of Honor will present ROH Death Before Dishonor from Esports Stadium Arlington in Arlington, Texas.

Among other matches, Mark Briscoe will defend the ROH World Championship against Roderick Strong. Plus, Athena will defend the ROH Women’s World Championship against Queen Aminata.
The results are as follows:

Zero Hour

MxM Collection (Mansoor & Mason Madden) vs. Spanish Announce Project (Angrlio & Serpentico)
Both teams shake hands, or touch tips in MxM Collection’s case. Mansoor and Serpentico start the bout, and Mansoor takes control early on. He showcases his athleticism and strikes a pose. Madden tags in. Serpentico chops him, but he shrugs it off. Angelico stages in and uses his quickness to get some momentum, but Madden drops a leg across his throat. Madden drills Angelico in the corner. Mansoor and Madden double-team Angelico. A hip check sends Angelico to the outside. MxM Collection double-teams Serpentico and strikes a pose.
Angelico rocks Mansoor with a kick. SAP isolates Mansoor. Serpentico mocks Madden by posing. Mansoor drills him with a dropkick. Madden tags back in, but Serpentico sends him to the outside. Madden catches Serpentico and chops him. Mansoor slams Serpentico. MxM Collection hits a double-team chokeslam. Serpentico knocks Mansoor off the top and dives onto him. He gets a two-count with a dive onto Mansoor. Angelico grounds Mansoor. Mansoor rallies and tags Madden, who clears house. He drops Serpentico with a Spear. MxM Collection double-teams Serpentico for the win.
Winners: MxM Collection (Mansoor & Mason Madden)
Maria Kanellis comes out and applauds for Mansoor and Madden. She says, “Good work,” and they briefly pause by her as they make their way to the back.

The broadcast team hypes up the card.

Marina Shafir vs. Angelica Risk
Shafir quickly takes Risk down with a Judo throw and kicks her. Risk talks some trash and chops her. Risk goes for a crossbody, but Shafir catches her and locks in Mother’s Milk for the stoppage win.
Winner: Marina Shafir

The broadcast team continues to highlight the card.

Griff Garrison & Anthony Henry (with Maria Kanellis) vs. The Infantry (Shawn Dean & Carlie Bravo) (with Trish Adora)
Henry and Bravo start the bout and feel each other out. The Infantry double-teams Henry. Garrison tags in and gains the upper hand. Maria interferes and helps Garrison maintain the advantage. Henry grounds Bravo and locks in an STF. Bravo rallies, but Henry drills him with a Meteora and drops him with a DDT. Garrison and Henry control the bout. Garrison drops Bravo with a big boot.
Garrison stops Bravo from tagging out. Bravo slams Garrison and finally tags Dean, who rallies with a flurry of offense. The Infantry double-teams Garrison. Henry trips up Bravo. Dean sends Garrison onto Henry and dives onto him at ringside. He gets Garrison back in the ring, but Henry trips him up. Garrison superplexes Dean, and a diving stomp from Henry gets a two-count. Maria argues with Henry for tagging himself in. Henry accidentally knocks her off the apron, and The Infantry hit Boot Camp on Henry for the win.
Winners: The Infantry
Garrison and Kanellis are clearly frustrated with Henry after the bout. Top Flight comes out and squares off with The Infantry, teasing a potential match before they head to the ring.

Top Flight (Dante & Darius Martin) (with Action Andretti) vs. The Outrunners (Turbo Floyd & Truth Magnum) (with Erica Leigh)
Darius and Floyd lock up. The Outrunners take control early on. Magnum flexes but gets caught with a dropkick. Darits hits Floyd with a dropkick. Dante rocks him with one as well. Floyd gains the upper hand, but Top Flight double-teams him. Darius chops Floyd in the corner. Magnum distracts the referee. Erica distracts Darius, and The Outrunners take control. They slam Darius. Erica interferes again, and The Outrunners continue to maintain the advantage. Darius rallies with a crossbody.
Magnum hits Dante with a cheap shot on the apron. He locks in a sleep hold, but Darius fires up. Dante makes the tag and clears house with a flurry of offense. He hits a crossbody off the ropes. Dante keeps rolling, and Top Flight double-teams Floyd. Darius slams Floyd for the win.
Winners: Top Flight

A video package highlights the world title match between Mark Briscoe and Roderick Strong.

Main Card

A video package opens the show and hypes up the card.

Komander (with Alex Abrahantes) vs. The Beast Mortos
Mortos gains the upper hand right away as he overpowers Komander. Komander rallies and catches Mortos with a dropkick. He dives onto Mortos at ringside, but Mortos catches him and throws him into Abrahantes. Mortos takes control and slams Komander into the ring post. Back in the ring, Mortos maintains the advantage and nails him with stiff shots. Komander gets a two-count with a pin attempt. He takes Mortos down with a takedown. Mortos slams Komander onto the turnbuckle. He goes to slam Komander again, but he counters.
Komander rallies. He counters a slam into the ring post. Komander drops Mortos with a tornado DDT on the floor. Komander springs off the ropes and dives onto Mortos at ringside. Komander keeps rolling with a Poisonrana. Mortos responds with a pop-up Samoan drop. Komander answers with a crucifix driver. He catches Mortos with a destroyer. Both men are down after a collision. Mortos slams Komander off the top. Komander spikes him with a destroyer. Mortos evades a dive and hits a backbreaker and a piledriver for the win.
Winner: The Beast Mortos
The broadcast team announces that The Beast Mortos will face Hologram Saturday night on AEW Collision.

Backstage, Melissa Santos interviews MxM Collection. They discuss their successful debut, and Madden calls out FTR. Mansoor teases a match between the two on AEW Collision.

A video package hypes up the tag team title match.

ROH World Tag Team Championship: Undisputed Kingdom (Matt Taven & Mike Bennett) (c) vs. Kyle O’Reilly
Ishii and Bennett start the bout and feel each other out. Bennett chops Ishii. They go back and forth as they trade blows. Ishii gains the upper hand, but Bennett made his chest bleed with some chops. Taven and O’Reilly tag in and feel each other out. They’re evenly matched as they trade counters until Taven catches him with a dropkick. O’Reilly gains the upper hand. Ishii tags back in and overpowers Taven. He drills him with some chops.
O’Reilly grounds Taven. He and Ishii control the action and double-team Taven. Undisputed Kingdom rallies and isolates Ishii. Ishii and Bennett trade blows. Bennett gouges Ishii’s eyes. O’Reilly tags in and takes the fight to the champions. He hits a dragon screw on Bennett in the ropes. O’Reilly keeps rolling and takes out Bennett with a diving knee. Ishii and O’Reilly are in control, and Ishii levels Bennett. Taven dives onto him, and O’Reilly hits a diving knee. Back in the ring, O’Reilly kicks Taven. He traps him in an ankle lock. Taven escapes and kicks him.
Undisputed Kingdom double-teams O’Reilly. Back in the ring, Bennett grounds O’Reilly and drills him with some chops. The champions maintain the advantage. They hit the Proton Pack for a two-count. Ishii makes the tag and fires up with a series of stiff blows. He dumps Taven with a German suplex. The champions hit Ishii with a double-team piledriver. Taven nails him with a knee to the face. Ishii fires up with a brainbuster. O’Reilly locks in a knee bar, but Taven breaks it up. The two teams keep battling. Ishii hits a Brainbuster, and he drops Bennett with another.
Kyle Fletcher and Don Callus come down and distract O’Reilly. Bennett hits O’Reilly below the belt and scored the win with an inside cradle.
Winners and still ROH World Tag Team Champions: Undisputed Kingdom
Undisputed Kingdom celebrates their win.

Texas Death Match: Diamanté vs. Leyla Hirsch
Diamanté comes out, and Hirsch tosses her a chair. They start swinging at each other. Diamanté sends her, crashing off the ramp and through a table. Hirsch makes it back to her feet. Diamanté brings her down to the ring. She hands Hirsch upside down in the Tree of Woe position and kicks two chairs into her face. Diamanté hits Hirsch with a chair and busts her open. She charges Hirsch, but Leyla moves, sending Diamanté head-first into a chair. Hirsch sends Diamanté into a chair. Hiesch dumps some thumbtacks onto the mat. She slams Diamanté onto the tacks and dumps some more onto her.
Diamanté evaded a moonsault, so Hirsch landed on the tacks. She taped Hirsch to the ropes and hit her with a shoe. Diamanté brought out a tack-studded shoe and ground it onto her head.
Diamanté sets up a barbed wire board on some chairs. The two foes battle on the apron. Hirsch dropped Diamanté with a Samoan drop through the barbed wire board. Hirsch gets a ladder and a table and puts them in the ring. Hirsch tapes Diamanté to a table and hits a moonsault off a ladder to put her through it. Hirsch gets back to her feet, but Diamanté can’t answer the ten count, so the referee calls for the bell.
Winner: Leyla Hirsch

A video package hypes up the ROH Pure Championship match.

ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta (c) vs. Lee Moriarty
Paul Wight is shown as one of the judges ahead of the bout. alongside Jerry Lynn and Christopher Daniels. Yuta and Moriarty feel each other out, and they’re evenly matched early on as they battle for positioning, Yuta locks in a knee bar, forcing Moriarty to use a rope break. They trade counters, and a Border City Stretch attempt forces Yuta to use a rope break. Yuta and Moriarty continue to trade counters. Yuta drops Moriarty with a chop. Moriarty gets a warning for hitting Yuta with a closed fist.
Moriarty grounds Yuta, but the champion catches him with a dropkick. Yuta forces Moriarty to use his second rope break. Moriarty regains the advantage and targets Yuta’s arm. He hits a diving dropkick. Yuta and Moriarty trade blows. Yuta hits a diving forearm. He slams Moriarty. Moriarty takes Yuta down with a superplex. He slams Yuta and locks in the Border City Stretch. Yuta turns it into a pin attempt, but Moriarty rolls back into the submission, forcing Yuta to use a rope break. Yuta sends Moriarty to the outside and dives onto him. He gets a two-count with s splash.
Moriarty slams Yuta for a two-count. He forces Moriarty to use his third and final rope break. Yuta then forced Moriarty to use his final rope break. Moriarty slams Yuta onto the apron. He continues to control the action. Yuta traps Moriarty in an arm-bar, but he counter into a pin for the win.
Winner and new ROH Pure Champion: Lee Moriarty
Yuta strapped the title around Moriarty’s waist, and they shook hands. Moriarty then shook hands with Wight, Daniels, and Lynn.

ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz (c) vs. Red Velvet
Starks and Velet shake hands, and Velvet gains the advantage. Starkz sends her into the corner and slams her onto the turnbuckle. Starkz grounds Velvet and continues to control the action. The champion throws Velvet across the ring. Velvet rallies and gets a two-count with a crossbody. She catches Starkz with a lawbreaker and hits her with some strikes. Velvet drops Starkz with a DDT for a two-count. Starkz traps Velvet in a modified sleeper hold. She drops Velvet with a back-breaker and a neck-breaker.
Velvet spikes Starkz with a Poisonrana and gets a two-count with a kick to the head. A neck-breaker sends Starkz to the floor, and medical officials check on her. Starkz gets back in the ring, but she apparently hurt her neck. She reveals that she was playing possum, as she tries to get a cheap shot. Velvet has it scouted, but Starkz still drops her. Velvet returns the favor by luting Starkz in and spiking Starkz on her head for the win.
Winner and new ROH Women’s World Champion: Red Velvet
Velvet celebrates her win, while Starkz is clearly upset after her loss.

ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Championship Eliminator: Dark Order (Evil Uno, Alex Reynolds & John Silver) vs. Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs (Marshall & Ross Von Erich)
Dark Order cheap-shots Rhodes and the Von Erichs. The bout spills to the outside, and the two teams brawl. Back in the ring, Uno is left with Ross Von Erich. The Von Erichs double-team Uno. They take control. Rhodes takes out with an uppercut over the ropes. Reynolds slams Rhodes into the steel steps. Uno hits Marshall with a cowbell behind the referee’s back. Dark Order isolates Marshall. Marshall rallies and tags Ross, who clears house with a flurry of offense. He hits a cannonball on Silver. Marshall traps Uno in the claw, but Reynolds breaks it up.
Reynolds and Silver double-team Marshall at ringside. Silver maintains the advantage. Dark Order continues to control the action. Uno puts on a cowboy hat and mocks the Von Erichs. He spikes Ross on his head. Rhodes sends Uno into the steel steps. Ross rallies and tags Rhodes, who clears house with a flurry of offense. He dishes out some powerslams. Reynolds accidentally knocks Silver off the apron. Rhodes hits a Crossrhodes, but Uno breaks up the pin. The match breaks down as the teams brawl. Dark Order double-teams Rhodes.
Rhodes fires up, but Silver chokes him. Marshall locks in the Claw to stop him. Ross traps Uno in the Claw. Rhodes hits the Final Reckoning on Reynolds for the win.
Winners: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs (Marshall & Ross Von Erich)
With the win, Rhodes and The Von Erichs advance to AEW Battle of the Belts XI, where they will face Undisputed Kingdom for the titles.
Katsuyori Shibata comes to the ring and celebrates with Rhodes and The Von Erichs.

Survival of the Fittest for ROH World Television Championship: Atlantis Jr. (c) vs. Lio Rush vs. Shane Taylor vs. Brian Cage vs. Lee Johnson vs. Johnny TV (with Taya Valkyrie)
Johnny TV waits on the outside to start the bout. Rush knocks Atlantis Jr. to the outside and dives onto him. Taylor gets in Johnny’s face. Cage catches a kick from TV and sends it into Taylor. Taylor rocks TV with a stiff shot to the face. Taylor squares off with Cage. They duke it out. Cage hits a headscissors takedown and slams Taylor. Atlantis Jr. sneaks in and gets a two-count on a pin attempt. The champion dumped Rush with a slam. Lee Johnson fires up with a flurry of offense.
TV gouges his eyes and grounds him. He drills Johnson with a kick. TV and Taylor are left alone, and they go back and forth. Cage drops Taylor and floors him with a DDT. Rush rallies with a flurry of offense. TV gets a two-count with a running Shooting Star Press. Atlantis Jr. catches Johnson with a kick. He dives onto Taylor at ringside, but Rush answers with a dive of his own. Johnson dives onto both men. TV takes them all out with a dive of his own before Cage dives onto everyone.
Taylor levels Cage with a lariat. The competitors gang up on Taylor. Taylor fights them off and slams Cage. Johnson dodges a cannonball. Taylor eats kicks from TV and Atlantis. Rush pins him with a frog splash.
Shane Taylor has been eliminated.
Rush rocks TV with a kick. He dives onto Johnson at ringside. Johnson slams Rush and pins him to eliminate him.
Lio Rush has been eliminated.
Cage and TV gang up on Johnson and double-team him. They continue to ground him. Johnson rallies with some kicks, but Cage overpowers him and slams him for the win.
Lee Johnson has been eliminated.
TV and Cage continue to work together as they gang up on Atlantis Jr. The partnership breaks down as TV takes the fight to Cage. Atlantis J. hits a destroyer for a two-count.
Taya Valkyrie kicks TV below the belt, but he overpowers Johnny and slams him to eliminate him.
Johnny TV has been eliminated.
Cage overpowers Atlantis Jr., but the champion rolls him up and pins him for the win.
Winner and still ROH World Television Champion: Atlantis Jr.
Atlantis Jr. celebrates with a Mexican flag.

A video package hypes up the ROH Women’s World Championship match.

ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena (c) vs. Queen Aminata
Athena and Aminata feel each other out early on, and they’re evenly matched. Athena slams Aminata into the barricade and takes control. Aminata briefly fires up, but Athena slams her onto the floor. Back in the ring, Athena maintains the advantage. Aminata rallies with some stiff shots. She keeps rolling, but Athena catches her with a takedown. Aminata nails Athena with a stiff shot. She continues to gain momentum. Athena gets a two-count with a forearm to the face. Aminata sends Athena crashing into the corner and hits an Air Raid Crash for a two-count.
Athena and Aminata trade blows. Aminata wrenches Athena’s arms with her legs in a submission hold. Athena rolls through and locks in a crossface. Aminata slams Athena face-first into the mat. Aminata counters the Eclipse. They trade kicks. Athena slams Aminata head-first onto the steel steps. Aminata rallies and spikes Athena on her head. Billie Starkz runs out, but Red Velvet stops her. Lexy Nair hands Athena a microphone, and Athena hits Aminata with it. Athena hits the Oh Face for the win.
Winner and still ROH Women’s World Champion: Athena
Athena celebrates with Starkz and Nair after the bell.

A video package hypes up the main event.

ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe (c) vs. Roderick Strong
Briscoe and Strong feel each other out early on, and the match is a stalemate as they battle for positioning. The bout heads to the outside, and they trade blows. Briscoe vaults over the barricade and onto Strong. He gets Strong back in the ring, but the challenger blocks the Froggy Bow. He drops Briscoe with a back-breaker. Strong gains more momentum, but Briscoe catches him with a big boot.
Briscoe catches Strong with a dropkick, sending him into the barricade. He hits an elbow drop off the apron. Briscoe gets a two-count with a Fisherman Buster. They battle on the apron. Strong slams Briscoe back-first on the apron. He lights Briscoe up with some strikes and slams Briscoe into the ring post, busting him open in the process. Strong continues to control the action. Briscoe reaches the ropes to escape a one-legged crab. Briscoe tries to rally, but Strong hits him with a Jay Driller. Briscoe rallies with a flurry of offense and pays tribute to Jay with a neckbreaker. Strong hits an avalanche Angle Slam for a two-count. Briscoe keeps fighting. They trade blows. He goes for the Jay Driller, but Matt Taven tries to interfere. Briscoe fends him off.
Mike Bennett runs in and hits Briscoe with a title. Strong gets a near fall on the pin attempt. He huts a gut-buster. Strong hits a Sick Kick for a two-count. Kyle O’Reilly and Tomohiro Ishii come out and brawl with Bennett and Taven. Briscoe rallies and hits the Froggy Bow for the win.
Winner and still ROH World Champion: Mark Briscoe
Briscoe celebrates with O’Reilly and Ishii after the bell.

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