WWE NXT The Great American Bash night 1 30th of July 2024

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WWE NXT The Great American Bash night 1 results - July 30, 2024. Report by Jason Gordon for JJASportStudio.com

WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship Match: Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn vs. Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson w/Oro Mensah
The tag champs attack Jackson and Legend during the ring announcements. Dawn and Fyre toss Legend into the barricade. The bell rings, and Jackson surprises Fyre with a small package. Fyre kicks out. Gourd Buster by Fyre. Dawn follows that with a basement Meteora. Legend hops up on the apron. Dawn knocks Legend back to the floor. Taruantula by Dawn. While Jackson screams in pain, Fyre adds insult to injury with a nasty superkick. Fyre and Dawn take turns working over Jackson. Legend gets back in the ring and clears it.
Legend holds the ropes open so Jackson can take out the champs with a dive. After the break, Legend gets the tag and cleans house. Dawn eats a chokeslam. Legend only gets a two count. Dawn and Frye manage to land a backstabber/swanton combo. Jackson breaks up the pin. Fyre and Legend trade counters. Fyre wins out with a thunderous tornado DDT. After another series of counters, Legend and Jackson blast Fyre with a wheelbarrow into a cutter. Dawn breaks up the pin. Legend gets sent over the top. Dawn catches Legend with a diving double knee strike off the apron. Fyre and Dawn hit their finish on Jackson for the win.
Winners and STILL WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions, Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn!

Backstage, Cedric Alexander is speaking to some trainees at the Performance Center. Shawn Spears interrupts and tells the students not to listen to someone like Alexander. Spears adds Trick Williams didn’t listen to Alexander, and then he beat Alexander. Alexander tells the students that only someone with a weak mind would listen to Spears. Brooks Jensen charges in and tries to get in Alexander’s face. Jensen thinks Alexander was talking about him. Spears tells Jensen now is not the time. Jensen tells Alexander he wants to see him in the ring tonight.

NXT Heritage Cup Championship Match: Tony D’Angelo (c) w/The D’Angelo Family vs. Tavion Heights w/No Quarter Catch Crew
Round One:
Heights and D’Angelo trade takedowns. Hip toss by Heights. D’Angelo double legs Heights. Suplex by D’Angelo. D’Angelo works a side headlock. Heights counters with a sleeper. After another series of takedowns, both men lock in leg submissions as the bell rings. Neither man will let go of their submissions. Both corner’s empty to pry them off of each other. Wren Sinclair appears in the crowd, cheering for Heights.
Round Two:
Took place primarily during the break. D’Angelo lands a superplex as the bell rings to end the round.
Round Three:
D’Angelo hits Fugitaboutit for the pin.
Round Four:
Wren Sinclair hits the ring and gets in Heights’ face. Sinclair yells in Heights’ face about being an Olympian, and he can do this. The bell rings for the round to start and Heights explodes out of the corner with a lariat. Belly-to-belly by Heights. Heights pins D’Angelo.
Round Five:
Heights is trying to get some coaching from his team, but they are all distracted talking to Sinclair. D’Angelo hits a spinebuster for the win.
Winner and STILL NXT Heritage Cup Champion, Tony D’Angelo!

Brooks Jensen vs. Cedric Alexander
Jensen is in control early. Alexander fires up and lands a DDT. Dive by Alexander. Alexander sets up a slingshot, but Jensen boots him in the face. Shawn Spears walks down to ringside. Jensen lays Alexander on the commentary desk. Jensen misses a wheel kick off the apron. Alexander brings Jensen back into the ring and hits the Lumbar Check for the win.
Winner- Cedric Alexander

Joe Hendry Concert
Hendry is in the ring and says this is the first concert he has done in NXT. Hendry is going to sing something special just for us. The crowd cheers as Hendry sings about everyone hating Gallus and Booker T being his biggest fan. The crowd goes nuts and claps along. Hendry says he will give the crowd an encore and they go nuts again. Gallus interrupts. Joe Coffey calls Hendry a one-trick pony. The crowd drowns Joe out with boos. Joe gets in Hendry’s face. Hendry decks Joe. Gallus jumps Hendry. Joe breaks Hendry’s guitar over his back.

Jaida Parker vs. Kendall Grey w/Carlee Bright
Grey sends Parker flying with a hip toss. Second rope crossbody by Grey. Parker suplexes Grey onto the top rope. Parker unloads on Grey with rights and lefts while Grey is caught in the ropes. Vertical suplex by Parker. Grey fires up and lands a flurry of offense. Myles Borne and Wren Sinclair walk to ringside. Borne gets in Bright’s face. Grey rolls out of the ring and suplexes Borne for the second week. Grey rolls back into the ring and gets trapped in the corner. Teardrop hip attack by Parker. Parker hits a gourd buster into Hypnotic for the win.
Winner- Jaida Parker

Backstage, Andre Chase takes issue with Ridge Holland telling Thea Hail to do whatever it takes to bring gold back to Chase U tonight.

Fallon Henley, Jacy Jayne, and Jazmyn Nyx vs. Lola Vice, Sol Ruca, and Karmen Petrovic
Henley and Ruca start the match. Henley takes Ruca down and stands on her back like it’s a surfboard. Ruca stands out of it. After a series of reversals, Ruca lands an x-factor. Petrovic tags in and gets driven into Henley’s corner. Nyx tags in and eats two stiff kicks and a basement blockbuster. Two count only. Petrovic locks Nyx in a last chancery. Vice tags in and squares off with Jayne. Vice and Jayne trade strikes. Jayne rolls Vice into a pin.
Vice reverses it into a pin of her own. Jayne kicks out. Vice lands a huge takedown. Petrovic gets the tag. Vice and Petrovic land stereo PKs. Jayne kicks out. Henley and Jayne set up a double suplex but Ruca catches Petrovic to make the save. Vice and Co clear the ring. Petrovic lands a suicide dive. Ruca flattens the field with a corkscrew moonsault to the outside. After the break, Petrovic is being worked over by Jayne and her team.
Petrovic manages to make the tag. Vice clears the ring. Vice, Petrovic, and Ruca all hits spicy hip attacks. Ruca goes up top. Jayne cuts her off and drops her with a Tower of London. Nyx takes Ruca over with a fisherman’s suplex. Vice and Petrovic break up the pin. Henley hits a modified cutter on Petrovic. Nxy and Jayne run interference while Henley gets the pin.
Winners- Fallon Henley, Jacy Jayne, and Jazmyn Nyx

NXT Women’s Championship Match: Roxxane Perez (c) vs. Thea Hail w/Chase U
Hail offers Perez a handshake. Perez kicks Hail’s hand away. Hail and Perez trade pin attempts. Hail almost traps Perez in the Kimura. Perez immediately gets to the ropes. Hail sends Perez out of the ring. Dive by Hail. After the break, Perez works over Hail’s arm. Perez pie faces Hail. Hail fires up and lands a flurry of offense. Perez tosses Hail out of the ring. Dive by Perez.
Perez gets caught up trash-talking the rest of Chase U. Hail surprises Perez with a dive. Hail gets a near fall after a Michinoku Driver. Perez kicks out. Hail locks Perez in the Kimura. Perez turns it into the crossface. Hail and Perez take turns countering each other’s submission holds. Hail lifts Perez and hits a senton. Perez grabs the apron, messing up the ring skirt.
While the referee tries to fix it, Perez pokes Hail in the eye. Crossface by Perez. Hail gets to the ropes. The fight spills out of the ring. Perez drives Hail into the ring steps. Back in the ring, Perez locks Hail in the crossface. Hail almost makes it to the ropes, but Perez rolls back to the center of the ring. Perez releases the hold and hits Pop Rocks for the win.
Winner and STILL NXT Women’s Champion, Roxanne Perez!

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