AEW Rampage 31st of May 2024

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All Elite Wrestling delivered a star-studded show with the May 31 episode of AEW Rampage.

Rampage aired at a special start time of 6:30 p.m. ET on Friday. Among other matches, Konosuke Takeshita faced Penta El Zero Miedo. Plus, AEW Women’s World Champion Toni Storm faced Viva Van. Additionally, Rey Fenix clashed with Isiah Kassidy.

TNT Championship Match Qualifier: Penta El Zero Miedo vs. Konosuke Takeshita
Penta and Takeshita square off and feel each other out. They’re evenly matched early on. Takeshita gains an advantage, but Penta sends him to the outside. Takeshita slams Penta onto the apron and grounds him. Penta and Takeshita trade blows. Penta rocks Takeshita with a kick but eats a stiff blow. Takeshita drops Penta with a brainbuster. Takeshita continues to control the action.
Penta rallies and sends Takeshita to the mat with a takedown. He keeps rolling with a flurry of offense and dives onto Takeshita at ringside. Takeshita fires back with a wheelbarrow suplex. Penta rallies again with a destroyer on the apron.
Takeshita responds with a Blue Thunder Bomb for a two-count. Takeshita sends Penta into the ropes, blasts him with a forearm and scores the win with a knee strike.
Winner: Konosuke Takeshita

Backstage, FTW Champion Chris Jericho is standing by with Big Bill and Bryan Keith. He says that he will be stepping down from his role on AEW commentary, and he will be on AEW Dynamite and Collision more in the future.

Backstage, The Kingdom (Mike Bennett and Matt Taven), alongside Roderick Strong, address Strong’s loss at AEW Double or Nothing. Strong says he was supposed to be the tenth entrant in the Casino Gauntlet match on AEW Dynamite, but the match ended early. He issues a challenge to Lio Rush for AEW Collision and says he’s coming for Swerve Strickland, the AEW World Champion.

Satnam Singh (with Sonjay Dutt) vs. “Pretty” Peter Avalon
Singh mockingly gets on the mat to give Avalon a chance before he overpowers him and dominates him. Singh scores the win with a bear hug.
Winner: Satnam Singh

Backstage, Cage of Agony (Brian Cage and the Gates of Agony) say they’re going to start fresh on AEW Collision on Saturday. Cage issues an open challenge. Hechicero shows up as Cage of Agony continue to hype themselves up and agrees to join forces with them.

AEW Women’s World Championship Eliminator: Toni Storm (with Luther and Mariah May (c) vs. Viva Van
Van gains the upper hand early on. She and Storm feel each other out. Storm takes control and sends Van to the outside. Storm continues to control the action. She grounds Van. Van rallies with some strikes. Storm responds with some blows of her own. Van catches Storm with a kick and rocks her with some more strikes. Storm dumps Van with a German suplex. She hits a hip attack and Storm Zero for the win.
Winner: Toni Storm

Backstage, Harley Cameron and Saraya send a message to Mariah May ahead of Cameron’s match against May on AEW Dynamite.

Kyle O’Reilly vs. Jordan Cruz
O’Reilly takes the fight to Cruz right away. He hits Cruz with some stiff strikes. O’Reilly maintains the advantage and makes Cruz tap out to an arm-bar.
Winner: Kyle O’Reilly

Backstage, Johnny TV says he and Taya Valkyrie came to AEW to find the best wrestlers on the planet. Johnny challenges Claudio Castagnoli to a match on AEW Collision.

Rey Fenix (with Alex Abrahantes) vs. Isiah Kassidy
Fenix and Kassidy feel each other out with some fast-paced offense. They continue to go back and forth. Fenix keeps rolling with a flurry of offense. Kassidy fires up as the match heads to the outside. They keep brawling at ringside. The competitors return to the ring. Fenix takes Kassidy down with an avalanche hurricanrana. Kassidy rallies with a kick. He catches Fenix with a rope-assisted cutter and dives onto him at ringside. Kassidy grounds Fenix.
Fenix fires up again, but Kassidy drops him with a destroyer. Fenix avoids a senton atomico and blasts Kassidy with a kick. A frog splash gets Fenix a two-count. Fenix slams Kassidy from a double underhook position for the win.
Winner: Rey Fenix
Fenix celebrates as the show ends.

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