WWE Raw 16th of September 2024

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WWE Raw results - September 16, 2024. Report by Jason Gordon for JJASportStudio.com

In-Ring Segment: CM Punk
Punk says he’s at the point in his career where people ask him how many matches he has left in these old bones. The answer is way more than you think. When Punk came back to WWE he said he didn’t come to make friends, but he didn’t come to make a mortal enemy, but it seems he has. The only way to end this is in Hell in a Cell. Punk feels a little naive because he thought after touching four turnbuckles. This probably should have ended when Drew McIntyre sent him to the hospital for the second time, but Punk is just too damn stubborn. If you ask how many Hell in a Cell matches he has left in him, the answer is zero.
Punk’s little sister and his wife have begged him not to do this. Armed with all of that information, Punk is going to explain why he’s going to do this. The devil in Punk’s heart tells him this has to end in Hell in a Cell. Punk says he can’t promise that he is going to kill McIntyre, because he doesn’t make promises he doesn’t know if he can keep. Punk can promise this: He’s going to make Drew McIntyre bleed. He’s prepared to make this the end of CM Punk. If McIntyre is comfortable with this being the end of him, Punk will meet McIntyre at Hell in a Cell.

Sheamus vs. Pete Dunne
Sheamus manages an early Irish curse backbreaker. Dunne rolls out to the apron. Sheamus attempts the 10 beats. Dunne blocks it and snaps Sheamus’ arm on the top rope. Sheamus and Dunne trade strikes. After a step up enziguri, Dunne stomps on Sheamus’ elbow. The crowd chants, “Butch!” as Sheamus rolls out of the ring. Dunne tries to stomp on Sheamus’ fingers on the steel ring steps.
Sheamus avoids the stomp and Alabama Slams Dunne on the commentary desk. After the break, Dunne powerbomb Sheamus after pulling him off the top. Sheamus fires up and lands a powerslam. Powerslam off the second rope by Sheamus. Dunne kicks out. Dunne brings a shillelagh into the ring. Sheamus knees Dunne in the face. While the referee is distracted, Dunne hits Sheamus with a Cricket bat. Big Boot by Dunne. Dunne pins Sheamus.
Winner- Pete Dunne

Natalya w/Zelina Vega and Lyra Valkyria vs. Zoey Stark w/Shayna Baszler and Sonya Deville
Natalya and Stark trade pin attempts. Stark catches Natalya with a springboard missile dropkick. After the break, Natalya fires up, but misses a discus clothesline. Rolling DVD by Stark. Natalya sits up and eats a basement superkick. Stark and Natalya trade pin and finisher attempts. Natalya rolls Stark up for the win.
Winner- Natalya

In-Ring Segment: Jey Uso
Jey says he is finally going after his first single championship. Bron Breakker interrupts. Breakker reminds Jey that he told him to stay away. Breakker mocks Jey for being in WWE for 14 years and never being a single champion. The crowd boos while Breakker tells Jey that he’s done more in six months than Jey has in 14 years. Breakker did it all without his family’s help. He didn’t need his father, his uncle, hell, he didn’t even need the name. Breakker promises to expose Jey next week.
Jey takes his glasses off and says he isn’t going to take Breakker lightly… but he was winning titles while Breakker was in diapers. Next week they are going to throw hands. Next week, Jey promises to dog walk Breakker next week. Jey exclaims we are going to find out if Breakker is built to last, or if this is going to be short and sweet, like Breakker’s NFL career. Breakker bows up at Jey. Breakker starts to walk away, but he lands a cheapshot. Breakker hits the ropes for a Super Spear, but Jey surprises Breakker with a Spear of his own.

World Tag Team Championship Match: The Judgement Day (c) (Finn Bálor and JD McDonagh) vs. The New Day
Kingston sends McDonagh flying with a double jump rana. Woods and Kingson land a series of strikes. Woods and Kingston crush McDonagh with an electric chair moonsault. Kingston and Woods clear the ring. After the break, Kingston is being worked over by Bálor and McDonagh. Kingston makes a leaping tag to get Woods back in the match. Woods lands a flurry of offense on McDonagh. Kingston takes out Bálor with a dive. Woods counters McDonagh’s powerbomb with one of his own. McDonagh kicks out.
The rest of The Judgement Day walks down to the ring. The LWO cut them off and a brawl breaks out. Kingston lands a dive outside the ring on everyone brawling. The referee rolls out to check on Kingston. Back in the ring, Woods lands the Limit Breaker Elbow on McDonagh, but there is no referee. Woods rolls out and yells at the referee to get back in. McDonagh and Woods trade roll ups. McDonagh traps Woods in a choke after Bálor gets a blind tag. As McDonagh holds Woods in place, Bálor lands the Coup de Gras for the win.
Winners and STILL World Tag Team Champions, The Judgement Day!
After the match, Kingston checks on Woods. Woods pulls away from Kingston and yells in frustration. Woods says this happens every time. And somethings got to change. Woods storms off.

Braun Strowman vs. Bronson Reed
Before the bell rings, Reed charges in. Strowman sidesteps, sending Reed into the turnbuckle. As Reed tumbles, he rips the top turnbuckle off the ring post. Chokeslam by Strowman. Strowman boots Reed out of the ring. Strowman follows Reed and tries the frieght train. Reed grabs someone out of the crowd and launches them at Strowman!. Reed celebrates. Strowman gets back to his feet and body blocks Reed through the barricade.
The referee calls for the medical staff to check on both men. Strowman gets to his feet and rolls back into the ring. Reed escapes through the crowd. Strowman follows and pounces Reed into a bunch of road cases. Strowman flips a golf cart in anger. Choas ensues as Reed and Strowman brawl. Reed leaps off a road case and body blocks Strowman through a table. Reed eventually stands and starts to stumble away. Strowman follows and pounces Reed through a wall.
No Contest

Backstage, Kaiser yells at Raw GM Adam Pearce for not finding World Champion Gunther a suitable challenger. Gunther doesn’t want to face Sami Zayn. Pearce notes that Zayn makes a compelling case for a title shot. Kaiser and Pearce are interrupted by Zayn’s music as he is heading to the ring.

In-Ring Segment: Sami Zayn
Zayn says he wants to be the World Heavyweight Champion. He needs it. Zayn exclaims that the people deserve a champion that will defend the title week in and week out. Unfortunatley, Gunther keeps refusing his challenges. Gunther claims that Zayn isn’t on his level. Zayn doesn’t believe that. Zayn notes that Gunther knows he has beaten him before and he can do it again. The crowd cheers as Zayn says he thinks Gunther is scared. Kaiser interrupts. Kaiser says miracles don’t happen twice. This will never happen again. Zayn says Gunther doesn’t need Kaiser to speak for him.
Gunther doesn’t need Kaiser, and Kaiser doesn’t need Gunther either. Zayn knows Kaiser wants to prove himself a singles wrestler. Kaiser doesn’t have to speak for Gunther, but if he’s going to come out here, he should at least have the balls to speak for himself. Gunther’s music hits and he walks to the ring. Gunther turns to Kaiser and ask him if there is anything he wants to tell him. If so, now is the time. Kaiser says there is something he wanted to get off his chest for a very long time.
Kaiser clotheslines Zayn! Gunther chuckles as Kaiser destroys Zayn with the DreamDT. Kaiser holds Zayn up so Gunther can tell him the answer to Zayn’s question is and will always remain, no. Gunther leaves the ring and tells Kaiser to follow. Zayn grabs Kaiser’s leg. Kaiser tries another DDT. Zayn reverses it into a German suplex. Helluva Kick by Zayn. Gunther backs aways while Zayn begs him to come back to the ring.

Bianca Belair w/Jade Cargill vs. Iyo Sky w/Kairi Sane
Sky and Belair trade takedowns and pin attempts. Similanious dropkicks lead to double kip ups and a stalemate. Both women take turns using flips to avoid the other. High step delayed verticle suplex by Belair. Belair tries the superstar press. Sky rolls out of the way, but Belair lands on her feet. After another series of counters, we get another stalemate. After the break, Sky works over Belair. Belair fires up.
Sky drops Belair with a series of palm strikes. Corner Meteroa by Sky. Sky sets up a butterfly lock. Belair reverses it into a gut buster. Sky lands a missile dropkick off the top. Belair kicks out. Belair and Sky trade strikes. Sky charges in and gets tossed into the ring post. Spinebuster by Belair. Belair gets a near fall after a superstar press. Sky escapes a press slam and sends Belair out of the ring. Suicide crossbody by Sky.
Belair lifts Sky up for a suplex out on the floor. Belair walks up the ring steps with Sky in the air. The crowd goes nuts while Belair tosses Sky back into the ring. Belair tries a 450, but Sky gets her knees up. Sky goes up top. Belair plucks Sky off the top for a KOD. Sky counters with a roll up for the win.
Winner- Iyo Sky

Backstage, The Judgement Day threatens Ilja Dragunov for being friendly with Priest, Ripley, and Jey.

Dominik Mysterio w/The Judgement Day vs. Damian Priest w/Rhea Ripley
Priest runs over Dominik as soon as the bell rings. Dominik begs as Priest tosses him all over the ring. Domink flips out of back suplex and kicks Priest in the knee. Priest shugs it off and sends Dominik flying with a flapjack. Domink lands a few body shots. Priest obliterates Dominik with a right hand. Bálor distracts Priest so Dominik can escape out of the ring. Priest follows and drops Dominik on the apron with snake eyes.
Carlito gets a bit too close and Priest decks him. While the referee is distracted, Bálor drives Priest into the ring post. Dominik lands a dive. After the break, Dominik works over Priest. Priest fires up. Broken Arrow by Priest. Morgan puts Dominik’s foot on the bottom rope. Ripley spears Morgan and they both fly over the commentary desk. Priest hits South of Heaven for the win.
Winner- Damian Priest
After the match, The Judgement Day attacks Priest. Jey Uso tries to make the save, but someone in a hoodie Spears him on the ramp. It’s Bron Breakker! Morgan drops Ripley with Oblivion. Bálor crushes Priest with the Coup de Gras.

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