WWE SmackDown 4th of October 2024

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WWE SmackDown results - 4th of October 2024. Report by Jason Gordon for JJA Sport Studio.

Our WWE SmackDown results for tonight include the return of the “Phenomenal One,” AJ Styles, Michin battling Chelsea Green in a Dumpster Match, Naomi vs. Tiffany Stratton, The Bloodline defends the WWE Men’s Tag Team Championships against #DIY and The Street Profits in a ladder match, an in-depth look at Cody Rhodes & Roman Reigns’ match against The Bloodline at WWE Bad Blood, and the final hype for WWE Bad Blood. Here’s our review and grades for tonight’s show, live from Nashville, TN, at Bridgestone Arena.

Country music star Hardy kicks off the show, welcoming the crowd to the show. Hardy introduces the “Phenomenal ‘Forearm'” AJ Styles.
The crowd goes wild for Styles. Styles can’t get a word out but finally lets the crowd know he’s missed them so much. It’s fitting that he is in Nashville, Tennessee, tonight. This is where it all started for AJ Styles. Over the last couple of months, he’s done a lot of things he regrets and things that he may not be forgiven for. He’s not here to talk about the past; he’s here to rebuild the legacy of AJ Styles. A bunch of people in the back need to be reminded that this is the house AJ Styles built. Carmelo Hayes interrupts.
Hayes notes that after everything Styles has done, there isn’t a long line of people here to welcome him back. Hayes isn’t going to introduce himself to Styles because he knows Styles knows who he is. Styles chuckles. Hayes says he’s a big fan of old-timers like Styles. Hayes deserves whatever Legends contract. Styles is out here to announce. Since they are talking about people who deserve things, Hayes wants to talk about himself now. The crowd craps all over the notion. Hayes exclaims he deserves to be United States Champion, not LA Knight.
Styles offers Hayes a bit of advice: LA Knight is relentless. Knight attacks Styles at his home. Hayes cuts Styles off and tells him he doesn’t take advice from quitters. Styles jokes that if Hayes really was “Him,” he’d be the United States Champion right now. A “He’s not Him” chant breaks out. Styles challenges Hayes to a match. Hayes says nah, he’s good. Hayes starts to leave, but LA Knight’s music hits. Knight quips that Hayes is constantly ducking a fight. Knight says if Hayes can beat Styles, Knight will talk to SmackDown GM Nick Aldis about getting Hayes a title shot.
Grade: B
This was a fun opening segment. It’s hard not to cringe a bit when WWE uses a regional entertainment star in one of the shows. This writer is unfamiliar with Hardy, and it seems Hardy isn’t familiar with wrestling. Having AJ Styles back in the mix is great. As soon as it was announced, the first thing that came to this writer’s mind was, “How long into his speech will Styles get before Carmelo Hayes interrupts?” Not very. Hayes got off some good bars tonight, and that riled up the crowd. It’s good to see the on-mic stuff catching up to the in-ring stuff for Hayes. Both men looked great here, and the obvious match we are going to get now has stakes (the U.S. Title match).

Carmelo Hayes vs. AJ Styles
LA Knight is at ringside for this match. Styles and Hayes trade strikes. Styles attempts his springboard backflip DDT, but Hayes ducks and hits a lighting-quick springboard clothesline. Styles falls out of the ring. Hayes slams Styles’ head into the commentary desk and takes a moment to trash-talk LA Knight.
During the break, Styles suffered an ankle injury. Hayes is focusing his assault on Styles’ leg. Styles lights Hayes up with a flurry of strikes while limping. Styles lands an Ushigoroshi, but his knee gives out. The referee calls for the bell. Styles can’t continue. Styles refuses help and limps up the ramp angrily. As Hayes is announced as the winner, Knight drops Hayes with the BFT.
Winner- Carmelo Hayes
Grade: B-
This match is a weird one. The match itself was entertaining. Styles and Hayes have great chemistry. Hayes shined here and is coming to his own. He has a modern-day ’80 chicken-ish heel. Look, it makes sense for this match to have ended with Hayes winning without actually winning. It fits the gimmick and protects Styles. BUT… if Hayes can pin Randy Orton, why can’t he pin AJ Styles? Would that have hurt Styles in any discernable way? No. The answer is no.

Dumpster Match: Chelsea Green vs. Michin
Michin is all over Green, beating her down with a kendo stick. Michin pulls a table from under the ring. Missile dropkick by Michin. Michin is in control until she attempts to put Green in the dumpster at ringside. Green slops out and sends Michin into the dumpster. After the break, Green hits a Canadian Destroyer. Green tosses Michin in the dumpster. As Green tries to close the lid, Michin blocks it.
Michin wacks Green in the head with a back of garbage. Michin puts a trash can on Green and hits a senton off the top. Green isn’t moving. Michin places a table on top of the dumpster. Piper Niven attacks Michin from behind. Niven crushes Michin with a senton. Niven tries a cannonball, but Michin avoids it, crashing into the dumpster. Green tries a suplex off the apron. Michin blocks it and hits a powerbomb off the apron, through the table, into the dumpster for the win.
Winner- Michin
Grade: C+
Michin shines in these garbage (lack of a better term) matches. This writer has noted before that they aren’t my cup of tea- I grew up on ECW, and seeing how that period affected its roster is hard to unsee and even harder to enjoy watching now. The good thing is that WWE’s version of these matches features nothing too mindboggling, short-sighted, and stupid. Green is hilarious anytime she is on the screen, but the look on her face when she managed to hit a Candian Destroyer still makes this writer chuckle. Besides that, this match was a lot of fun. Nothing too dangerous happened, and the finish was creative.

Backstage, AJ Styles is getting his ankle checked on by the doctor.

Bayley says she’s got something to say to the WWE Women’s Champion’s face. Nia Jax can bring Tiffany Stratton if she wants. Jax and Stratton join Bayley in the ring. Bayley runs Jax down for not understanding what holding that championship means. Bayley puts Jax over as potentially the most dominant woman in WWE history. Jax scoffs. Bayley says two people can take the title from Jax: she can, and Stratton can.
Stratton can do it, not because she’s good, but because she lucked her way into having the Money in the Bank briefcase. Bayley warns Jax that Stratton is eventually going to get tired of her and cash in. Stratton cuts in and asks Bayley if she doesn’t think she’s good enough. Stratton yells that she doesn’t in MITB to beat Jax. Jax bows up at Stratton. Stratton back peddles accidentally calls Bayley “Pam” (Bayley’s shoot name) and tells her to bow down to her queen. Bayley laughs and says she may not like Jax, but she has respect for her.
Bayley has none for Stratton. Stratton gets upset. Bayley says she rather bow down to a queen than patronize a stupid b*tch. Stratton takes a swing at Bayley. Bayley ducks and clocks Stratton. Jax attacks from behind. Bayley avoids a senton from Jax. Bayley clocks Jax with the MITB briefcase. Bayley rolls out of the ring. Stratton picks up the briefcase while Jax is still down. The crowd cheers and yells for Stratton to cash in. Jax gets to her feet and stares at Stratton. Jax rolls out. Naomi’s music hits. It’s time for the next match!
Grade: B+
Calling it now: tomorrow night will be Tiffy Time. Bayley is one of the best on the mic in WWE, so it’s not a surprise she was able to spit bars tonight. These three have managed to take what seemed like a feud on its last legs and give it new life. The will she/won’t she with Stratton cashing in has been highly entertaining. When Stratton finally does, it will blow the roof off the building.

Naomi vs. Tiffany Stratton w/Nia Jax
After a break, Naomi fires up. Stratton rolls through on a top rope cross body by Namoi. Stratton lifts Naomi on her shoulders. Naomi escapes and misses a Spilt-Legged Moonsault. Stratton tries the Prettiest Moonsault Ever, but Naomi rolls out of the way. Stratton lands on her feet. Naomi and Stratton trade pin attempts. Naomi manages to hold Stratton down for a three count with a crucifix pin.
Winner- Naomi
Grade: C
Naomi and Stratton have been working together for months and have had quality matches. This one seemed a bit off. Both women appeared to be moving at half speed compared to their previous matches. Naomi winning tonight is a bad sign for Nia Jax. WWE always has the MITB winner drop a big match (or, in some cases, matches- looking at you, Daniel Bryan) right before they cash in. WWE Bad Blood may be Tiffy Time.

Backstage, Nia Jax tells Stratton to focus on the Women’s World Title Match tomorrow night. That’s a cash in Stratton can actually win. Jax tells Stratton to say out loud that she will never betray her. Stratton sheepishly tells her queen she would never.

WWE Men’s Tag Title Ladder Match: Bloodline (c) vs. Street Profits w/B-Fab vs. #DIY
DIY and the Street Profits clear out the Bloodline. As Tonga and Loa try to get back in the ring, the other teams keep them out. Dawkins runs over Tonga with a pounce at ringside. After the break, Ford tries to climb the ladder while Loa and Tonga are holding it. Ford ends up getting tossed out of the ring. The Bloodline works over the Street Profits. Everyone fights outside of the ring. Dawkins lands a dive into a ladder on top of the Bloodline.
Ford follows that with a Superman dive that takes out everyone. At B-Fab‘s behest, Ford pulls a table from under the ring and sets it up. After the break, Tonga is attempting to climb the ladder. Ciampa pulls Tonga off the ladder into a Shatter Machine! Loa ends up with a ladder wrapped around his neck. Gargano and Ciampa hit Meet in the Middle! The ladder almost decapitates Loa in the process. Gargano tries a slingshot spear, but Dawkins counters with Anointment.
Dawkins and Ford set up the Doomsday Blockbuster. Ford leaps over a ladder to drop Ciampa with the move. Dawkins climbs the ladder but gets stopped by Tonga. Tonga grabs a chair. B-Fab rips it away. Tonga and Loa back down B-Fab. Gargano and Ciampa hit Loa and Tonga with chairs. Ciampa and Gargano hold Tonga on a table while Ford hits a frog splash. Dawkins and #DIY Cerberus Bomb Tonga through the commentary desk.
As Dawkins is celebrating, Ciampa blasts him with a knee to the face. Ciampa climbs the ladder. Ford springboards from the apron onto the ladder and starts to climb. Dawkins and Gargano follow suit. Loa rolls back in and dumps all four men off the ladders onto other ladders. Tonga holds the ladder in place while Loa pulls down the titles for the win.
Winners and STILL WWE Tag Team Champions, The Bloodline!
Grade: B+
As someone who enjoys #DIY as a tag team, it’s odd how little a reaction they get before matches and during promos. Tonight was no different, sadly. The Street Profits stole the show here, using both their bodies and the ladder as a weapon to great effect. The Doomsday Blockbuster was visually impressive (and extremely dangerous). Having this match and Michin’s and Green’s Dumpster match on the same show is a perplexing choice. If you have to have both matches on the same show, you can’t have both with table spots. One can’t help but take from the other. The outcome here was predictable, but everyone involved ensured it was a fun ride nonetheless.

WWE SmackDown Review:
This was a solid episode of SmackDown. There was compelling in-ring action, with the stand-out match being the triple threat ladder match for the WWE Tag Team Championships. Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins are two of the most exciting wrestlers in WWE, and this match proved that they deserve that praise. The Doomsday Blockbuster was breathtaking. Tons of good promo work tonight, with Bayley delivering the line of the night, “I rather bow down to a queen than patronize a stupid b*tch?” There is something about the former queen of huggers talking dirty that just… works.
This is supposed to be the go-home show for WWE Bad Blood, but it felt more like a typical episode of SmackDown than the lead-in to a big show. Even with the quality in-ring work, the lack of any real connection to the big matches on Saturday takes away from this episode as a lead-in. Next week’s SmackDown will kick off the road to Survivor Series: WarGames; it could be one of the most exciting shows of the year. Will the WarGames match begin to take shape? Will Carmelo Hayes finally get a United States Championship Match? Tell us what you think in the comments!
Grade: B-

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