WWE NXT 28th of May 2024

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WWE NXT results, May 28, 2024. Report by Jason Gordon for JJASportStudio.com

In-Ring Segment: NXT GM Ava
Ava introduces tonight’s guest, Sexyy Red. Sexyy Red joins Ava in the ring, where a platform with a sheet is set up. Sexyy Red announces she is going to host NXT Battleground. Ava removes the sheet to reveal the new Women’s North American Championship. Sexyy Red poses with the title, which will be defended in a ladder match at the show. Tatum Paxley crawls into the ring and has a tug-of-war with Sexyy Red over the NXT Women’s North American Championship. Michin’s music hits. Michin attacks Paxley.

NXT Woman’s North American Championship Qualifier Match: Michin vs. Tatum Paxley
After a brief exchange, Michin sends Paxley out of the ring and lands a dive. Jaida Parker walks down to the ringside to watch the match. After the break, Paxley is working over Michin. Michin counters a suplex into Eat D’feat for the win.
Winner- Michin
After the match, Michin and Parker argue.

Backstage, Meta-Four confronts Gallus about why they attacked Noam Dar. Joe Coffey says if they were the ones who attacked Dar, everyone would know. Oro Mensah is now convinced it was Trick Williams.

Ridge Holland vs. Riley Osborne w/Chase U
Holland tosses Osborne all over the ring. After the break, Osborne fires up and lands a flurry of strikes. Holland gets upset, and he starts to snap. Thea Hail talks sense to Holland. Holland is about to pick up the steel ring steps, but he thinks better of it. Osborne hits the Redeemer for the win.
Winner- Ridge Holland
After the match, the rest of Chase U checks on Osborne. Holland says he didn’t want to do this. Holland helps Osborne up and offers him a handshake. Osborne refuses and. leaves the ring.

The OC vs. Edris Enofé and Malik Blade w/Brinley Reece
During the match, “bad luck” Enofé gets knocked off the apron and lands on Reece. Enofé screams for help as Blade is being assaulted in the ring. After the break, Gallows and Anderson hit the Magic Killer for the win.
Winners- The OC
After the match, Nathan Frazer and Axiom attack The OC. After clearing the ring, Frazer offers The OC a tag title match at NXT Battleground.

Backstage, Lexis King tells Dante Chen his win against him was a fluke. Chen can’t beat King again. Chen challenges King to a rematch tonight.

In-Ring Segment: NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez
Perez considers herself the only person who cares about the NXT Women’s Championship. She is committed to this championship. Perez says she is the face of the NXT Women’s Division, and it is the best women’s division in the world. Perez feels disrespected that she doesn’t know who her challenger is at Battleground.
NXT GM Ava walks out on the stage and tells Perez she is defending the NXT Championship against TNA Knockouts Champion Jordynne Grace! Grace walks to the ring and introduces herself to anyone who may not know who she is. Grace puts Perez over but promises to leave the PLE with the NXT Women’s Championship.

Lola Vice vs. Arianna Grace
Vice toys with Grace before laying her out with the 305 spinning back fist for the win.
Winner- Lola Vice
After the match, Vice grabs a mic and says at NXT Underground, Shayna Baszler has two options: tap out or get knocked out. Baszler appears and has to be held back as she tries to get to the ring.

Backstage, Charlie Dempsey says losing the Heritage Cup was like losing a part of him. He needs it back. Dempsey says the No Quarter Catch Crew needs to take a page out of Tony D’Angelo’s book and run this with more structure. Borne offers to take out D’Angelo. Dempsey says no, he wants Kemp to do it.

Dante Chen vs. Lexis King
Chen and King trade pins. Chen rolls King into a crucifix pin for the win.
Winner- Dante Chen
After the match, King destroys Chen.

Backstage, Tony D’Angelo tells the Family they will handle The No Quarter Catch Crew by playing their game.

NXT Woman’s North American Championship Qualifier Match: Wren Sinclair vs. Kelani Jordan
Fallon Henley is at ringside for the match. Jordan pins Sinclair with a split-legged moonsault.
Winner- Kelani Jordan

NXT Champion Trick Williams and Je’Von Evans w/Sexyy Red vs. Gallus
Williams and Evans take control early, ending Mark flying with a slingshot rana. Williams and Evans pose with Sexyy Red outside the ring. Evans tries to hit the ropes, but Joe low-bridges him. Evans hits the floor hard. Running headbutt by Joe. Evans crashes into the ring steps. After the break, Gallus takes turns working over Evans.
Evans manages to tag in Williams. Williams clears the ring. Double Book End by Williams. Williams pins Joe and Mark at the same time. Gallus kicks out. Joe and Mark work over Williams. Joe rolls out of the ring and grabs the NXT Championship. Sexyy Red rips the title out of Joe’s hands. Evans surprises Joe with a dive. Williams obliterates Mark with the Trick Shot for the win.
Winner- Trick Williams and Je’Von Evans
After the match, Lash Legend walks to the ring. Evans and Sexyy Red leave. Legend asks Williams to be honest with her. Did he attack Mensah and Dar? The lights go out. When they come back up, Someone attacks Williams from behind. Williams knocks Legend over in the process. It’s “All Ego” Ethan Page. Page yells that he’s the one who took out Mensah and Dar. Page destroys Williams with a running knee.

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